With IoTDB JDBC, IoTDB can be accessed using the ODBC-JDBC bridge.
1. Dependencies
- IoTDB-JDBC's jar-with-dependency package
- ODBC-JDBC bridge (e.g. ZappySys JDBC Bridge)
2. Deployment
2.1 Preparing JDBC package
Download the source code of IoTDB, and execute the following command in root directory:
mvn clean package -pl iotdb-client/jdbc -am -DskipTests -P get-jar-with-dependencies
Then, you can see the output iotdb-jdbc-1.3.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
under iotdb-client/jdbc/target
2.2 Preparing ODBC-JDBC Bridge
Note: Here we only provide one kind of ODBC-JDBC bridge as the instance. Readers can use other ODBC-JDBC bridges to access IoTDB with the IOTDB-JDBC.
Download Zappy-Sys ODBC-JDBC Bridge: Enter the https://zappysys.com/products/odbc-powerpack/odbc-jdbc-bridge-driver/ website, and click "download".
Prepare IoTDB: Set up IoTDB cluster, and write a row of data arbitrarily.
IoTDB > insert into root.ln.wf02.wt02(timestamp,status) values(1,true)
Deploy and Test the Bridge:
Open ODBC Data Sources(32/64 bit), depending on the bits of Windows. One possible position is
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
.Click on "add" and select ZappySys JDBC Bridge.
Fill in the following settings:
Property Content Example Connection String jdbc:iotdb://<The IP of IoTDB>:<The rpc port of IoTDB>/ jdbc:iotdb:// Driver Class org.apache.iotdb.jdbc.IoTDBDriver org.apache.iotdb.jdbc.IoTDBDriver JDBC driver file(s) The path of IoTDB JDBC jar-with-dependencies C:\Users\13361\Documents\GitHub\iotdb\iotdb-client\jdbc\target\iotdb-jdbc-1.3.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar User name IoTDB's user name root User password IoTDB's password root Click on "Test Connection" button, and a "Test Connection: SUCCESSFUL" should appear.
Click the "Preview" button above, and replace the original query text with
select * from root.**
, then click "Preview Data", and the query result should correctly.
Operate IoTDB's data with ODBC: After correct deployment, you can use Microsoft's ODBC library to operate IoTDB's data. Here's an example written in C#:
using System.Data.Odbc; // Get a connection var dbConnection = new OdbcConnection("DSN=ZappySys JDBC Bridge"); dbConnection.Open(); // Execute the write commands to prepare data var dbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand(); dbCommand.CommandText = "insert into root.Keller.Flur.Energieversorgung(time, s1) values(1715670861634, 1)"; dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbCommand.CommandText = "insert into root.Keller.Flur.Energieversorgung(time, s2) values(1715670861634, true)"; dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbCommand.CommandText = "insert into root.Keller.Flur.Energieversorgung(time, s3) values(1715670861634, 3.1)"; dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Execute the read command dbCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM root.Keller.Flur.Energieversorgung"; var dbReader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader(); // Write the output header var fCount = dbReader.FieldCount; Console.Write(":"); for(var i = 0; i < fCount; i++) { var fName = dbReader.GetName(i); Console.Write(fName + ":"); } Console.WriteLine(); // Output the content while (dbReader.Read()) { Console.Write(":"); for(var i = 0; i < fCount; i++) { var fieldType = dbReader.GetFieldType(i); switch (fieldType.Name) { case "DateTime": var dateTime = dbReader.GetInt64(i); Console.Write(dateTime + ":"); break; case "Double": if (dbReader.IsDBNull(i)) { Console.Write("null:"); } else { var fValue = dbReader.GetDouble(i); Console.Write(fValue + ":"); } break; default: Console.Write(fieldType.Name + ":"); break; } } Console.WriteLine(); } // Shut down gracefully dbReader.Close(); dbCommand.Dispose(); dbConnection.Close();
This program can write data into IoTDB, and query the data we have just written.