Status Codes
July 14, 2023About 4 min
Status Codes
A sample solution as IoTDB requires registering the time series first before writing data is:
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
// the most case is that the time series does not exist
if (e.getMessage().contains("exist")) {
//However, using the content of the error message is not so efficient
//write data once again
With Status Code, instead of writing codes like if (e.getErrorMessage().contains("exist"))
, we can simply use e.getErrorCode() == TSStatusCode.TIME_SERIES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR.getStatusCode()
Here is a list of Status Code and related message:
Status Code | Status Type | Meanings |
201 | INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION | Incompatible version |
202 | CONFIGURATION_ERROR | Configuration error |
203 | START_UP_ERROR | Meet error while starting |
204 | SHUT_DOWN_ERROR | Meet error while shutdown |
300 | UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION | Unsupported operation |
301 | EXECUTE_STATEMENT_ERROR | Execute statement error |
302 | MULTIPLE_ERROR | Meet error when executing multiple statements |
303 | ILLEGAL_PARAMETER | Parameter is illegal |
304 | OVERLAP_WITH_EXISTING_TASK | Current task has some conflict with existing tasks |
305 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Internal server error |
306 | DISPATCH_ERROR | Meet error while dispatching |
400 | REDIRECTION_RECOMMEND | Recommend Client redirection |
500 | DATABASE_NOT_EXIST | Database does not exist |
501 | DATABASE_ALREADY_EXISTS | Database already exist |
502 | SERIES_OVERFLOW | Series number exceeds the threshold |
503 | TIMESERIES_ALREADY_EXIST | Timeseries already exists |
504 | TIMESERIES_IN_BLACK_LIST | Timeseries is being deleted |
505 | ALIAS_ALREADY_EXIST | Alias already exists |
506 | PATH_ALREADY_EXIST | Path already exists |
507 | METADATA_ERROR | Meet error when dealing with metadata |
508 | PATH_NOT_EXIST | Path does not exist |
509 | ILLEGAL_PATH | Illegal path |
510 | CREATE_TEMPLATE_ERROR | Create schema template error |
511 | DUPLICATED_TEMPLATE | Schema template is duplicated |
512 | UNDEFINED_TEMPLATE | Schema template is not defined |
513 | TEMPLATE_NOT_SET | Schema template is not set |
514 | DIFFERENT_TEMPLATE | Template is not consistent |
515 | TEMPLATE_IS_IN_USE | Template is in use |
516 | TEMPLATE_INCOMPATIBLE | Template is not compatible |
517 | SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND | Segment not found |
518 | PAGE_OUT_OF_SPACE | No enough space on schema page |
519 | RECORD_DUPLICATED | Record is duplicated |
520 | SEGMENT_OUT_OF_SPACE | No enough space on schema segment |
521 | PBTREE_FILE_NOT_EXISTS | PBTreeFile does not exist |
522 | OVERSIZE_RECORD | Size of record exceeds the threshold of page of PBTreeFile |
523 | PBTREE_FILE_REDO_LOG_BROKEN | PBTreeFile redo log has broken |
524 | TEMPLATE_NOT_ACTIVATED | Schema template is not activated |
526 | SCHEMA_QUOTA_EXCEEDED | Schema usage exceeds quota limit |
527 | MEASUREMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS_IN_TEMPLATE | Measurement already exists in schema template |
600 | SYSTEM_READ_ONLY | IoTDB system is read only |
601 | STORAGE_ENGINE_ERROR | Storage engine related error |
602 | STORAGE_ENGINE_NOT_READY | The storage engine is in recovery, not ready fore accepting read/write operation |
603 | DATAREGION_PROCESS_ERROR | DataRegion related error |
604 | TSFILE_PROCESSOR_ERROR | TsFile processor related error |
605 | WRITE_PROCESS_ERROR | Writing data related error |
606 | WRITE_PROCESS_REJECT | Writing data rejected error |
607 | OUT_OF_TTL | Insertion time is less than TTL time bound |
608 | COMPACTION_ERROR | Meet error while merging |
609 | ALIGNED_TIMESERIES_ERROR | Meet error in aligned timeseries |
610 | WAL_ERROR | WAL error |
611 | DISK_SPACE_INSUFFICIENT | Disk space is insufficient |
700 | SQL_PARSE_ERROR | Meet error while parsing SQL |
701 | SEMANTIC_ERROR | SQL semantic error |
702 | GENERATE_TIME_ZONE_ERROR | Meet error while generating time zone |
703 | SET_TIME_ZONE_ERROR | Meet error while setting time zone |
704 | QUERY_NOT_ALLOWED | Query statements are not allowed error |
705 | LOGICAL_OPERATOR_ERROR | Logical operator related error |
706 | LOGICAL_OPTIMIZE_ERROR | Logical optimize related error |
707 | UNSUPPORTED_FILL_TYPE | Unsupported fill type related error |
708 | QUERY_PROCESS_ERROR | Query process related error |
709 | MPP_MEMORY_NOT_ENOUGH | Not enough memory for task execution in MPP |
710 | CLOSE_OPERATION_ERROR | Meet error in close operation |
711 | TSBLOCK_SERIALIZE_ERROR | TsBlock serialization error |
712 | INTERNAL_REQUEST_TIME_OUT | MPP Operation timeout |
713 | INTERNAL_REQUEST_RETRY_ERROR | Internal operation retry failed |
714 | NO_SUCH_QUERY | Cannot find target query |
715 | QUERY_WAS_KILLED | Query was killed when execute |
800 | UNINITIALIZED_AUTH_ERROR | Failed to initialize auth module |
801 | WRONG_LOGIN_PASSWORD | Username or password is wrong |
802 | NOT_LOGIN | Not login |
803 | NO_PERMISSION | No permisstion to operate |
804 | USER_NOT_EXIST | User not exists |
805 | USER_ALREADY_EXIST | User already exists |
806 | USER_ALREADY_HAS_ROLE | User already has target role |
807 | USER_NOT_HAS_ROLE | User not has target role |
808 | ROLE_NOT_EXIST | Role not exists |
809 | ROLE_ALREADY_EXIST | Role already exists |
810 | ALREADY_HAS_PRIVILEGE | Already has privilege |
811 | NOT_HAS_PRIVILEGE | Not has privilege |
812 | CLEAR_PERMISSION_CACHE_ERROR | Failed to clear permission cache |
813 | UNKNOWN_AUTH_PRIVILEGE | Unknown auth privilege |
814 | UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_OPERATION | Unsupported auth operation |
815 | AUTH_IO_EXCEPTION | IO Exception in auth module |
900 | MIGRATE_REGION_ERROR | Error when migrate region |
901 | CREATE_REGION_ERROR | Create region error |
902 | DELETE_REGION_ERROR | Delete region error |
903 | PARTITION_CACHE_UPDATE_ERROR | Update partition cache failed |
904 | CONSENSUS_NOT_INITIALIZED | Consensus is not initialized and cannot provide service |
905 | REGION_LEADER_CHANGE_ERROR | Region leader migration failed |
906 | NO_AVAILABLE_REGION_GROUP | Cannot find an available region group |
907 | LACK_DATA_PARTITION_ALLOCATION | Lacked some data partition allocation result in the response |
1000 | DATANODE_ALREADY_REGISTERED | DataNode already registered in cluster |
1001 | NO_ENOUGH_DATANODE | The number of DataNode is not enough, cannot remove DataNode or create enough replication |
1002 | ADD_CONFIGNODE_ERROR | Add ConfigNode error |
1003 | REMOVE_CONFIGNODE_ERROR | Remove ConfigNode error |
1004 | DATANODE_NOT_EXIST | DataNode not exist error |
1005 | DATANODE_STOP_ERROR | DataNode stop error |
1006 | REMOVE_DATANODE_ERROR | Remove datanode failed |
1007 | REGISTER_DATANODE_WITH_WRONG_ID | The DataNode to be registered has incorrect register id |
1008 | CAN_NOT_CONNECT_DATANODE | Can not connect to DataNode |
1100 | LOAD_FILE_ERROR | Meet error while loading file |
1101 | LOAD_PIECE_OF_TSFILE_ERROR | Error when load a piece of TsFile when loading |
1102 | DESERIALIZE_PIECE_OF_TSFILE_ERROR | Error when deserialize a piece of TsFile |
1103 | SYNC_CONNECTION_ERROR | Sync connection error |
1104 | SYNC_FILE_REDIRECTION_ERROR | Sync TsFile redirection error |
1105 | SYNC_FILE_ERROR | Sync TsFile error |
1106 | CREATE_PIPE_SINK_ERROR | Failed to create a PIPE sink |
1107 | PIPE_ERROR | PIPE error |
1108 | PIPESERVER_ERROR | PIPE server error |
1109 | VERIFY_METADATA_ERROR | Meet error in validate timeseries schema |
1200 | UDF_LOAD_CLASS_ERROR | Error when loading UDF class |
1201 | UDF_DOWNLOAD_ERROR | DataNode cannot download UDF from ConfigNode |
1202 | CREATE_UDF_ON_DATANODE_ERROR | Error when create UDF on DataNode |
1203 | DROP_UDF_ON_DATANODE_ERROR | Error when drop a UDF on DataNode |
1300 | CREATE_TRIGGER_ERROR | ConfigNode create trigger error |
1301 | DROP_TRIGGER_ERROR | ConfigNode delete Trigger error |
1302 | TRIGGER_FIRE_ERROR | Error when firing trigger |
1303 | TRIGGER_LOAD_CLASS_ERROR | Error when load class of trigger |
1304 | TRIGGER_DOWNLOAD_ERROR | Error when download trigger from ConfigNode |
1305 | CREATE_TRIGGER_INSTANCE_ERROR | Error when create trigger instance |
1306 | ACTIVE_TRIGGER_INSTANCE_ERROR | Error when activate trigger instance |
1307 | DROP_TRIGGER_INSTANCE_ERROR | Error when drop trigger instance |
1308 | UPDATE_TRIGGER_LOCATION_ERROR | Error when move stateful trigger to new datanode |
1400 | NO_SUCH_CQ | CQ task does not exist |
1401 | CQ_ALREADY_ACTIVE | CQ is already active |
1402 | CQ_AlREADY_EXIST | CQ is already exist |
1403 | CQ_UPDATE_LAST_EXEC_TIME_ERROR | CQ update last execution time failed |
All exceptions are refactored in the latest version by extracting uniform message into exception classes. Different error codes are added to all exceptions. When an exception is caught and a higher-level exception is thrown, the error code will keep and pass so that users will know the detailed error reason. A base exception class "ProcessException" is also added to be extended by all exceptions.