TimechoDB v1.3.3 Release: New Data Types, Load Balancing, and Data Subscription Capabilities

We are excited to announce the official release of TimechoDB v1.3.3, based on Apache IoTDB!

TimechoDB is an enterprise-level product designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern data management. Version 1.3.3 introduces new data types (String, Blob, Date, Timestamp), data subscription capabilities, client query load balancing, configuration file integration, and more. Additionally, the cluster management tool now includes metadata import/export, health checks, and data backup capabilities, along with significant enhancements to database monitoring and overall stability.

Key Features

Storage Module

  • New Data Types: Added support for String, Blob, Date, and Timestamp data types (primary modules are supported, with surrounding modules such as data synchronization to be adapted in future versions).

  • Multi-level Storage Throttling: Introduced a throttling mechanism for multi-level storage.

Query Module

  • Client Query Load Balancing: Improved load balancing for client query requests.

  • Active Metadata Statistics Query: Added support for querying active metadata.

  • Query Plan Memory Control Optimization: Enhanced memory control strategy during the query planning stage.

System Module

  • Configuration File Optimization: Merged three original configuration files into one to reduce user operation costs.

  • Configuration Setting Interface: Added an interface for setting configuration items.

  • New Monitoring Items: Introduced new monitoring items including device count, estimated remaining time for data synchronization, data volume to be synchronized, and synchronization speed.

Stream Processing Module

  • Data Subscription Capability: Added the ability to subscribe to database data, supporting subscriptions by data points or tsfile files.

Scripts and Tools

  • Enterprise Monitoring Panel: Added built-in alarm configuration settings.

  • Metadata Import/Export Scripts: Added scripts for importing and exporting metadata.

  • Data Import Script Optimization: Improved the efficiency and fault tolerance of data import scripts.


Feature Spotlight: Active Metadata Query

Users often need to count the number of active time series (or devices) within a specific time range. This actually refers to the requirement of querying time series (or devices) with data within a given time range. To support this, TimechoDB provides the following SQL statements:




IoTDB> insert into root.sg.data(timestamp, s1,s2) values(15000, 1, 2);
IoTDB> insert into root.sg.data2(timestamp, s1,s2) values(15002, 1, 2);
IoTDB> insert into root.sg.data3(timestamp, s1,s2) values(16000, 1, 2);
IoTDB> show timeseries;
|      Timeseries|Alias|Database|DataType|Encoding|Compression|Tags|Attributes|Deadband|DeadbandParameters|ViewType|
| root.sg.data.s1| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|
| root.sg.data.s2| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|
|root.sg.data3.s1| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|
|root.sg.data3.s2| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|
|root.sg.data2.s1| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|
|root.sg.data2.s2| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|

Example Usage

show timeseries where time = 15000 and time < 16000;

Returned Results

IoTDB> show timeseries where time >= 15000 and time < 16000;
|      Timeseries|Alias|Database|DataType|Encoding|Compression|Tags|Attributes|Deadband|DeadbandParameters|ViewType|
| root.sg.data.s1| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|
| root.sg.data.s2| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|
|root.sg.data2.s1| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|
|root.sg.data2.s2| null| root.sg|   FLOAT| GORILLA|        LZ4|null|      null|    null|              null|    BASE|

For more detailed information, please refer to the user manual.

Contact us for a free trial of TimechoDB v1.3.3!